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Czech Republic

Places in CR most popular with tourists
· the most popular places in CR for tourists are cities (Prague, Karlovy Vary, Cesky Krumlov), castles (Karlstejn, Hluboka) and especially in winter mountains (Krkonose, Sumava)
cities - what makes our cities so popular and famous is their rich history and big number of monuments built in variety of styles; in Prague it is the Prague castle, St. Vitus cathedral, Golden lane, Charles bridge and Oldtown square (horologe); tourists look back in the ancient history and these famous monuments prove its richness; in Prague you can see English (often smiling and polite), German (buying trash souvenirs, noisy and impolite), Americans (noisy, smiling and interested in amusement), Italians and Japanese (always taking pictures of everything, smiling and happy)
castles - are famous with their rich interiors, mighty fortification and collections of old weapons and trophies; you can see English (carefully listening to everything), German (drinking beer) and Japanese
mountains - are visited because they are cheap and the owners of hotels and pensions highly regard the Germans - they have enough money and still it is cheap for them; most frequent visitors are German (they behave like they just have conquered us, they are rude, impolite and arrogant to Czech)

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