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My daily routine

I usually get up around half past six because I have to go to school. But at the weekend I get up at about nine o‘clock. After I get up I go to the toilet. Then I have breakfast. When I finish my breakfast I go to the bathroom. There I wash my face, brush my teeth and do my hair. Then I get dressed. I like wearing jeans and some T-shirt but it depends on the weather. In winter I have to wear a jumper and a thick jacket. When it‘s snowing I have a winter cap. In summer I can wear a skirt and a T-shirt. After I get dressed I make up my face. It depends on my mood. Then I have to go to the bus stop. I go by bus for about five minutes and then I go for about three minutes by tram. Then I go about ten minutes on foot. On average I am at school for six hours. Sometimes it’s boring. My favourite subjects are English and Economics. My least favourite subject is Math. Every Wednesday I have to go to practise. There I am only for two or three hours. I usually come home about two o‘clock p.m. and I have lunch.
In the afternoon I usually watch TV, play computer games or study. Sometimes I go to downtown or to the cinema. At the weekend I only relax. Sometimes I read some books too.
In the evening I have a shower and then I watch TV or listen to the radio. Sometimes I go with my friends to the disco.
I go to bed at about ten o‘clock.

3 komentáře:

  1. Myslim si ze je zbytecne tam psat neco o tom co obvykle v jakem pocasi nosim... pokud je tema - my daily routine, nemelo by se tam plest nejake obleceni... jinak - takove obycejne, nic moc bych rekla....

  2. Mě to přišlo super, moc mi to pomohlo když jsem psala My daily routine :) není to nechutně dlouhý, jak to všude bývá, ale stručný

  3. Je to jedno z témat k maturám.Obvykle je to dlouhé protože se musíte vejít do nějakého časového úseku.Nevím jak dlouho se má mluvit,ale je to docela dlouhý.Většinou se to hodí když to dama uděláte nechutně dlouhý.
