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15, Political System in the United Kingdom

15, Political System in the United Kingdom

The constitutional monarchy.
The official head of the state is king or queen (now Elisabeth II. – she can act only on the advice of her minister).
The executive head of the state is Prime Minister (now Gordon Brawn).
The main law - makng body is Parliament.
Goverment is formed by the political party which has majority in the parliament.
Main political parties: conservatice party, labour party, liberal party and social democratic party.
General elections take part every 5 years, voting is from 18 and candidats must be 21+.
Queen appoints the leader of the largest party as the Prime Minister (appoints about 20 ministers – „Cabinet“).
The second largest party forms the official opposition – „Shadow Cabinet“.
The national authem – „God save the Queen“.

Present Perfect (pre-present)

☺ vyjadřuje děj, který v minulosti nastal nebo se uskutečnil a nějak se dotýká přítomnosti
SIMPLE: have/has + trpné příčestí (-ed nebo 3.tvar u nepravidelných sloves)
a) děj má platnost dosud – I´ve never been to America.
b) výsledek minulého děje v přítomnosti – He has bought a new car
c) děj skončil bezprostředně před přítomným okamžikem – They have just come.
CONTINUOUS: have/has + been + ing
a) děj, který v minulosti začal, trvá dosud a bude asi pokračovat – I´ve been living there.
(since 1990 or for 20 years)

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