15, Political System in the United Kingdom
The constitutional monarchy.
The official head of the state is king or queen (now Elisabeth II. – she can act only on the advice of her minister).
The executive head of the state is Prime Minister (now Gordon Brawn).
The main law - makng body is Parliament.
Goverment is formed by the political party which has majority in the parliament.
Main political parties: conservatice party, labour party, liberal party and social democratic party.
General elections take part every 5 years, voting is from 18 and candidats must be 21+.
Queen appoints the leader of the largest party as the Prime Minister (appoints about 20 ministers – „Cabinet“).
The second largest party forms the official opposition – „Shadow Cabinet“.
The national authem – „God save the Queen“.
Present Perfect (pre-present)
☺ vyjadřuje děj, který v minulosti nastal nebo se uskutečnil a nějak se dotýká přítomnosti
SIMPLE: have/has + trpné příčestí (-ed nebo 3.tvar u nepravidelných sloves)
a) děj má platnost dosud – I´ve never been to America.
b) výsledek minulého děje v přítomnosti – He has bought a new car
c) děj skončil bezprostředně před přítomným okamžikem – They have just come.
CONTINUOUS: have/has + been + ing
a) děj, který v minulosti začal, trvá dosud a bude asi pokračovat – I´ve been living there.
(since 1990 or for 20 years)
Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).
14, History of the United Kingdom
14, History of the United Kingdom
In 43 AD – Britain was added to roman Empire.
In the 5 th century – the tribes of Angles, Saxons´ and Jutes came from Scandinavien islands.
Till the 11 th century – Britain was a part of the Scandinavian Empire.
In 1066 – the battle of Hastings (William Conqeror – Dobyvatel defeated the Saxon king Harold).
Hundred Years´ War (1338 – 1445) – England wanted large part of France but was defeated.
2 nd half of the 15 th century – War of Roses (the House of Lancaster – their emblem was white rose against House of York – their emblem was red rose).
In 1603 – Scotland was united with England.
2 nd half of the 17 th century – Civil War – a struggle between the Parliament and the Stuart kings; Oliver Cromwell estabilished the Republic.
In 1660 – the monarchy was restored.
18 th – 19 th century – Industrial Revolution – Britain became the leading world power; during the reign of Queen Victoria England obtained large areas in Africa and Asia.
Durinf the WW I. and II. – Britain suffered great economic loss and lost it´s leading position (was replaced by the USA).
Účelový infinitiv ( Infinitive of Purpose)
☺ slouží ke zkracování účelového souvětí se stejnými podměty
☺ může být uvozen spojkou „SO THAT“ nebo „IN ORDER THAT“
I got up early (so that) to catch the bus.
In 43 AD – Britain was added to roman Empire.
In the 5 th century – the tribes of Angles, Saxons´ and Jutes came from Scandinavien islands.
Till the 11 th century – Britain was a part of the Scandinavian Empire.
In 1066 – the battle of Hastings (William Conqeror – Dobyvatel defeated the Saxon king Harold).
Hundred Years´ War (1338 – 1445) – England wanted large part of France but was defeated.
2 nd half of the 15 th century – War of Roses (the House of Lancaster – their emblem was white rose against House of York – their emblem was red rose).
In 1603 – Scotland was united with England.
2 nd half of the 17 th century – Civil War – a struggle between the Parliament and the Stuart kings; Oliver Cromwell estabilished the Republic.
In 1660 – the monarchy was restored.
18 th – 19 th century – Industrial Revolution – Britain became the leading world power; during the reign of Queen Victoria England obtained large areas in Africa and Asia.
Durinf the WW I. and II. – Britain suffered great economic loss and lost it´s leading position (was replaced by the USA).
Účelový infinitiv ( Infinitive of Purpose)
☺ slouží ke zkracování účelového souvětí se stejnými podměty
☺ může být uvozen spojkou „SO THAT“ nebo „IN ORDER THAT“
I got up early (so that) to catch the bus.
13. The United Kingdom, geography
13. The United Kingdom, geography
The official name – the U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
A constitutional monarchy = the official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II. present prime minister = Gordon Braun.
It liess between th Artic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The area is about 2. 500. 000 square km and population is more than 60 milion.
It consists of four parts: England (capital London), Scotland (Edinbourgh), Wales (Cardiff), Northen Ireland (Belfast).
Its neighbours France (in the north-east), Ireland (in the west).
The highest mountains: the Highlands of Scotland, the highest peak = Ben Nevis (1342m). The longest rivers: the Severn, th Thames,.. Country is divided into countries.
Interesting places and regions:
Beautiful lake areas (in Cumbria and Highlands of Scotland).
Oxford and Cambridge – old university cities.
Winchester and Canterbury – old cathedral cities.
Stonehange – in the Salisbury Plains, a historic monument with gian stone ardes older than 3500 years.
Birningham – lies at the geographical heart of England, the second largest city in Britain.
Zájmena osobní, s předložkami, přivlastňovací a zvratná - Pronouns
Personal – I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They
S předložkami: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them (tzv. nepřímý pád)
Possesive –
1, samostatná: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
2, nesamostatná: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, thein
Reflexive – self/ selves
☺ myself, yourself
☺ vyjadřují zvratnost nebo zdůrazňují
☺ stojí za podmětem nebo na konci věty
☺ I will do it myself. I myself will do it. – Já sám to udělám.
The official name – the U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
A constitutional monarchy = the official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II. present prime minister = Gordon Braun.
It liess between th Artic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The area is about 2. 500. 000 square km and population is more than 60 milion.
It consists of four parts: England (capital London), Scotland (Edinbourgh), Wales (Cardiff), Northen Ireland (Belfast).
Its neighbours France (in the north-east), Ireland (in the west).
The highest mountains: the Highlands of Scotland, the highest peak = Ben Nevis (1342m). The longest rivers: the Severn, th Thames,.. Country is divided into countries.
Interesting places and regions:
Beautiful lake areas (in Cumbria and Highlands of Scotland).
Oxford and Cambridge – old university cities.
Winchester and Canterbury – old cathedral cities.
Stonehange – in the Salisbury Plains, a historic monument with gian stone ardes older than 3500 years.
Birningham – lies at the geographical heart of England, the second largest city in Britain.
Zájmena osobní, s předložkami, přivlastňovací a zvratná - Pronouns
Personal – I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They
S předložkami: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them (tzv. nepřímý pád)
Possesive –
1, samostatná: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
2, nesamostatná: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, thein
Reflexive – self/ selves
☺ myself, yourself
☺ vyjadřují zvratnost nebo zdůrazňují
☺ stojí za podmětem nebo na konci věty
☺ I will do it myself. I myself will do it. – Já sám to udělám.
12, Education in the Czech Republic
12, Education in the Czech Republic
School attendance is compultory from the age of 6 to 15.
A school year starts on the 1st of September (university students start later) and finishes on the 30th June and is divided into 2 parts.
Pupils and students get schools reports, university students pass cradits and exams.
We have 3 types of school:
a) state schools (most children)
b) private schools
c) church schools
4 stages of education:
a) PRE-SCHOOL education – creches (up to 3 years)
- kindergarten (nursery schools – up to 6 years)
b) PRIMARY education – basic/elementary schools (up to 15 years)
c) SECONDARY education – takes usually 4 years and it´s finished with school-leaving exams
☺ grammar schools (gympl)
☺ special schools (business, art, agricultural...)
☺ technical schools
☺ apprentice schools (účnák)
d) UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES – take 5 or 6 years and they are finished with state exams
☺ university degrees: bachelor (after 3 years), master (after 5 years)
☺ for example: Charles university
Czech and foreign languages, history, geography, biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical education, civic education. (basic)
Economics, Accounting, management, international business, finance and banking, manager psychology, law, communication technology, statistics. (special)
Numers and Expression if Quantity
1, cardinal (základní) – 1,2,3...
2, ordinal (řadové) – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th....před ně píšeme THE
3, multiple – once, twice, 3 times...
- závisí na kategorii počitatelnosti – počitatelná (many, few, a few books) či nepočitatelná (much, little, a little water)
- u obou těchto kategorií můžeme požít a lot of nebo plenty of
STUPNOVÁNÍ: many/much – more – most
few – fewer – fewest
little – less – least
School attendance is compultory from the age of 6 to 15.
A school year starts on the 1st of September (university students start later) and finishes on the 30th June and is divided into 2 parts.
Pupils and students get schools reports, university students pass cradits and exams.
We have 3 types of school:
a) state schools (most children)
b) private schools
c) church schools
4 stages of education:
a) PRE-SCHOOL education – creches (up to 3 years)
- kindergarten (nursery schools – up to 6 years)
b) PRIMARY education – basic/elementary schools (up to 15 years)
c) SECONDARY education – takes usually 4 years and it´s finished with school-leaving exams
☺ grammar schools (gympl)
☺ special schools (business, art, agricultural...)
☺ technical schools
☺ apprentice schools (účnák)
d) UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES – take 5 or 6 years and they are finished with state exams
☺ university degrees: bachelor (after 3 years), master (after 5 years)
☺ for example: Charles university
Czech and foreign languages, history, geography, biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical education, civic education. (basic)
Economics, Accounting, management, international business, finance and banking, manager psychology, law, communication technology, statistics. (special)
Numers and Expression if Quantity
1, cardinal (základní) – 1,2,3...
2, ordinal (řadové) – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th....před ně píšeme THE
3, multiple – once, twice, 3 times...
- závisí na kategorii počitatelnosti – počitatelná (many, few, a few books) či nepočitatelná (much, little, a little water)
- u obou těchto kategorií můžeme požít a lot of nebo plenty of
STUPNOVÁNÍ: many/much – more – most
few – fewer – fewest
little – less – least
11, Health
11, Health
Everybody in this country has the right to choose a doctor.
2 types of medical facilities: state and private.
Medical care is provided from birth to death (health insurance) even prenatal care.
Just after birth they gave us vaccination againts TB, polis, tetanus and diphtend.
Each child is under medical supervision – a lot of preventive and dental checks.
If we feel unwell we go to see a physician (general practicional) in his working hours.
G.P. checks us up: takes our temperature, measures our blood pressure, listents to our heart
and lings...after he states the diagnosis and the therapy and prescribe some
medicines (we take it at the chemist´s)
Sometimes we are sent to a laboratory for tests.
In more serious cases we have to go to the hospital – we are examinate, X-rayed or even operated.
After we can go to health resorts or spas for rehabilitations – various procedurs are massages, baths, physical, training...
Common diseases: cold, flu, bronchitis...
Fatal diseases: cancer, AIDS...
Civilization diseases: stress, depression, high-blood presure, allergies, drug addiction...
Children diseases: otitis, measles, scarlet, rubeola, small pox, mumps...
Tvorba příslovcí a jejich stupňování
1, Krátká přídavná jména - která se skládají z jedné, max. dvou slabik (pomocí koncovky -er, -est)
big – bigger – biggest
funny – funnier – funniest
tall – taller – tallest
2, Dlouhá přídavná jména - mají dvě a více slabik (přidáním slůvek more a most před slovo)
intersting – more interesting – most interesting
useful – more useful – most useful
3, Nepravidelná přídavná jména
good – better – best
bad – worse – worst
far – farther – farthest (používá se pro vzdálenost - vzdálenější, nejvzdálenější)
far - further – furthest (používá se pro pořadí - další, poslední / dále, nejdále)
Everybody in this country has the right to choose a doctor.
2 types of medical facilities: state and private.
Medical care is provided from birth to death (health insurance) even prenatal care.
Just after birth they gave us vaccination againts TB, polis, tetanus and diphtend.
Each child is under medical supervision – a lot of preventive and dental checks.
If we feel unwell we go to see a physician (general practicional) in his working hours.
G.P. checks us up: takes our temperature, measures our blood pressure, listents to our heart
and lings...after he states the diagnosis and the therapy and prescribe some
medicines (we take it at the chemist´s)
Sometimes we are sent to a laboratory for tests.
In more serious cases we have to go to the hospital – we are examinate, X-rayed or even operated.
After we can go to health resorts or spas for rehabilitations – various procedurs are massages, baths, physical, training...
Common diseases: cold, flu, bronchitis...
Fatal diseases: cancer, AIDS...
Civilization diseases: stress, depression, high-blood presure, allergies, drug addiction...
Children diseases: otitis, measles, scarlet, rubeola, small pox, mumps...
Tvorba příslovcí a jejich stupňování
1, Krátká přídavná jména - která se skládají z jedné, max. dvou slabik (pomocí koncovky -er, -est)
big – bigger – biggest
funny – funnier – funniest
tall – taller – tallest
2, Dlouhá přídavná jména - mají dvě a více slabik (přidáním slůvek more a most před slovo)
intersting – more interesting – most interesting
useful – more useful – most useful
3, Nepravidelná přídavná jména
good – better – best
bad – worse – worst
far – farther – farthest (používá se pro vzdálenost - vzdálenější, nejvzdálenější)
far - further – furthest (používá se pro pořadí - další, poslední / dále, nejdále)
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