21, Ernest Hemingway
He was bron i 1898 in Chicago as the son of a physician.
He was member og so called „Lost Generation“ (here were also: Francis S. Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, John Dos Passos and they were deeply affected by the horrors of the war).
During World War II. he worked as a war reporter.
During his last years he suffered from strong depression which lead to his suicide (he shot himself to death).
He started his career with short stories – „In our days“ (written in Paris).
He was a great lover of travelling, hunting and fishing „Green Hills of Africa“,
„The death in the afternoon“
A world famous novel is „Farewell to Arms“ – an epic description of World War I. and a protest againts any war
„For whom the bell tolls“ – a psychological picture of war
„To have or not to have“ – a desription of the impact of great economic crisis
The most famous – „The old man and the sea“ – a great poem about the sea and about eternal fight between nature and man. Aworded Nobel Prize in 1954
Participles and Gerund
PARTICIPLE (příčestí)
a) přítomné: -ing, vyjadřuje současné děje. Going home I met my friend.
b) minulé: -ed (asked) nebo 2.tvar (bought)
c) trpné: having + ed nebo 2.tvar, vyjadřuje děj, který předchází ději věty hlavní.
Having finished my work I went home.
☺ má slovesné (čas, rod) i jmenné (může být určeno přivlastňovacím zájmenem) rysy.
☺ jmenný rys: They Insisted on my staying there. (Trvali na tom, abych tady zůstal.) VV
☺ Learning English is importatnt.
1, překlad podstatným jménem slovesným: Učení AJ je důležité.
2, překlad infinitivem: Je důležité učit se AJ.
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