- was 49th to join the Union North America
- Asia was once connected by a land link, but are now separated by Bering Strait
- covered area: 586 412 sq. miles = 1/6 total area of the USA
- native inhabitants – the Inuits, Yupik Eskimos, Aleuts and several tribes of Indians
- 1700s : Russians trappers discovered the valuable (cenost ) fur of the sea otter (vydra) and started their living in Alaska
- American trappers, traders from Europe came to try and make a fortune there
- Mt. Mc Kinley – the tallest mountain in North America – 20 320 ft.
- Russians rulers
- ruled Alaska until the 1860s
- often used the national people as slaves
- when the Crimerian War ended in 1856 Russians Government needed money, they
decided to sell Alaska to the US
- American congress bought it for 7,2 million
- The icy land was called Seward`s Folly, since the congressmen didn`t believe the purchase ( koupě ) would pay off
- Good defense outpost, but it took a lot of soldiers to provide military cover
- In 1880 two men discovered gold near Juneau (more on the Klondike river – Yukon Territory), next cities began to grow
- Black gold – oil exploration became in the 1960s, Alaska became a very wealthy state
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